Drone technology has become an invaluable tool for us to monitor restoration projects throughout their planning and execution. Wildlife Restoration Partnerships uses drones to collect high-resolution imagery and elevation data of restoration sites, allowing for a fine-scale view into the ways that restored marshes and beaches change over time. Here are a few ways we've used drones for restoration monitoring:
- At Thompsons Beach in Maurice River Township, NJ, we've used drone imagery collected over several years to calculate changes in percent vegetation cover before, during, and after restoration.
- At Basket Flats in Commercial Township, NJ, we've used drone imagery and elevation data to track changes in breakwater heights over time, gauge the success of sediment buildup behind the breakwaters, and identify areas of the shoreline that are in greatest need of protection.
- At Back Creek in Fairfield Township, NJ, we've used drone imagery and elevation data to conduct habitat classifications of high marsh vegetation to guide future restoration efforts.